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White supremacy is unfortunately something that we have to deal with in Norse Heathenry/Paganism. Our symbols have been used by multiple groups over time for their own nefarious purposes, groups such as the Nazis. Sadly, the appropriation of the symbols continues to this day with the modern day white supremacist groups. And it goes beyond symbols. These groups claim that the gods have given special protections and only care about those with European ancestry, effectively calling people who are not white a lesser race.


Racism, white supremacy and this view point have no place in this world. But because of these groups our religion gets grouped in with them. So to combat the stigma, and to ensure that people understand what kind of group they are joining, it was decided to create Declaration 127. It comes from the words of Odin in the poem the Hávamál:

                                      "Where you know of misfortune/evil

                                       declare it to be directed against you

                                       and don't give your enemies peace."

Essentially, if you agree with the statement you are saying that you disagree with evil of white supremacy; you are not fence sitting, you are 100% against it. 

Myrkvidr as a kindred supports Declaration 127 and denounces any and all white supremacist groups. We do not tolerate discrimination and are willing to stand against hate and intolerance.

This is only a summary of the conversation surrounding this complicated subject. Please feel free to reach out to me ( if you have any questions or concerns.

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